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Why We Launched a WordPress SEO Service as a Support Company


We just launched our new WordPress SEO service and one of the questions we’ve been getting more than any other, is why a WordPress support and optimization company would be offering SEO services at all?

We’ve seen the question in various forms:

  • I thought you were a WordPress company. Isn’t SEO a separate thing?
  • Do you already have SEO people on your team, or did you have to hire new ones to support SEO plans?
  • I’ve paid SEO companies in the past and have had mixed results. How is your service different?
  • Why add SEO services now? Aren’t large language models like ChatGPT and Gemini going to take over the world?

They’re all fantastic questions and I’m here to answer them today. I want to start by explaining why we introduced WordPress SEO services.

Why We Added a WordPress SEO Service

Last year, I needed to hire someone to paint my house, which is a surprisingly difficult process. After being given several bids, I knew not to take the highest one or the lowest one, and we found a painter who seemed honest and we had a great rapport. We gave them our deposit and agreed on a start date for the project.

The project date was shifted a few times, but we weren’t in a hurry other than wanting to make sure it got done before the snowy season in Utah. The project started, and the painter got to work. And just like WordPress support and repairing WordPress websites, there’s a lot more that goes into painting a house than you might expect.

Before they could lay down any paint, they needed to check for cracks, rotting wood, peeling paint, repair those areas, and then clean, sand, scrape, and seal all of the surfaces to create a smooth exterior ready for the first coat of primer.

It was several days of work before they even picked up a paintbrush!

Elevating Service Work to Another Level

Exterior view of a home that has been freshly painted.

Finally, they primed and painted the exterior of the house, and it looked just like new.

But then the painters did something I never expected. They kept going.

I was satisfied with everything they had done and was ready to call the project completed. Then, the painters came back again the next day. In fact, they came back for two more days. I was busy in my office and naive about everything that goes into painting a house. I wasn’t exactly sure what they were up to, but I wanted to stay out of the way.

Then they showed up with a report of everything they fixed on my house. And much of the report had nothing to do with painting specifically.

Here’s an abbreviated list to give you an idea:

  • Repainted the shutters and reattached a loose shutter (I was going to get to it, eventually!)
  • Replaced the weather stripping on every exterior door
  • Polished every exterior door handle and repainted the scuffed areas
  • Replaced over 4 feet of our eaves that had begun drooping and would need to be replaced relatively soon
  • Repainted our storm drains

And if that wasn’t enough, they repainted our shed to match the house!

Again, I did not know they would do any extra work. Even so, there were certain things that needed to be done, and I was grateful.

Can you see where I’m going with this?

Technical SEO is a Keystone to Complete the Pyramid

Support and performance optimization alone aren’t enough to complete the SiteCare pyramid, which is the methodology that drives all of our work at SiteCare.

WordPress SEO encompasses a huge portion of those other activities that aren’t obvious needs but are essential to optimizing websites. It is like reattaching the loose shutter and polishing the door handles.

When I received the final bill, it included a report of everything they had done within the original project scope and where they had gone above and beyond. It also included photos of the damaged areas before they started and after photos of everything they had fixed. It was extremely satisfying as a homeowner.

I felt like I had a brand new house. I was genuinely proud of the way they had restored the faded facade.

And here’s the best part: People noticed.

I didn’t need them to notice for external validation or anything, but many people in the neighborhood asked me who I hired because the work was impressive. I know the paint crew landed at least a few more jobs on my street alone.

Imagine that your home is your website, and SiteCare’s team is the crew that will help you get noticed.

We knew we needed to add WordPress SEO to our service repertoire because of next-level optimization, but we also wanted to do it differently than what we’ve seen from other agencies.

How Our WordPress SEO Service is Different

We’ve worked closely with many SEO agencies in the past, typically with a client as the go-between, and here are some of the most common frustrations we’ve heard over the years that we knew we didn’t want to replicate:

  • Lack of transparency: “We don’t know what our firm is doing every month”
  • Unrealistic promises: “They told me I’d rank on page one in 3 months, and I’m nowhere near that.”
  • Ineffective strategies: “Our agency recommended this specific path, and it doesn’t seem to work.”
  • Confusing reporting: “What’s a canonical? Like in music?”
  • High costs with low ROI: “I don’t know how much longer we can pay $10,000 per month without seeing meaningful growth”
  • Poor Communication: “They’re hard to get a hold of. I can’t remember the last time they contacted us besides sending their invoices.”
  • Feeling stuck in the middle: “I’m just relaying to you what our SEO guy asked. They aren’t available to clarify the details. Can you just do what the instructions are asking?”

Our SEO Salve for Past Vendor Burn

These frustrations are very real, and entirely valid, and we knew we needed to address as many of these problems as we could with our new approach. Here’s how we’re doing it differently at SiteCare:

  • Full transparency: Our clients receive a monthly report detailing exactly what was completed in the previous month to improve the technical SEO of their WordPress website.
  • We don’t do strategy: Our SEO optimization has a structural and technical focus. We don’t need to recommend how to rank for a specific keyword because we make your website adhere to search engines’ exacting standards. We know what the technical requirements are, and we optimize websites to meet them.
  • Extremely simple reporting: Ahrefs scores your website from 1 to 100. Every month, we deliver a report with the new score, promising that it will improve every month you’re engaged with our services. It’s paired with a list of completed tasks and the tasks we plan to work on next. It doesn’t get more simple. Here’s a sample report if you’re curious.
  • High costs with low ROI: Our WordPress SEO plans start at $1890.00 per month. And if your score does not improve, there’s no charge. Guaranteed.
  • Poor communication: We’ve always embraced great communication at SiteCare. Obsessive Communication is one of our core values, and we obsess over it.
  • Feeling stuck in the middle: By having SiteCare manage your technical SEO, you won’t be stuck managing multiple vendors. We can improve your WordPress Site Health and optimize your website for search engines simultaneously.

The Nitty Gritty Details of our WordPress SEO service

For those who have made it this far, I have a special treat. It’s some behind-the-scenes details of how we deliver our WordPress SEO service and what we had to change with our team to make it a reality.

We had a good head start because we already had a strong SEO technician and talented copywriter on our team. Our other secret is that we’ve already been managing websites with millions of monthly visits in organic search traffic for many years. We were already intimately familiar with what types of improvements truly help with discovery from search engines.

But like everything we do at SiteCare, we knew that we needed to do more to deliver a truly exceptional experience. So we tasked our entire team, from the President to the newest hire,  with getting certified in SEO 1 and SEO 2 through the HubSpot certification program. We’re fully committed to making WordPress SEO a service that’s a perfect fit with our SiteCare Plans.

Specific Areas of WordPress SEO Expertise

Here are some of the most common activities we perform for clients as it pertains to technical SEO and improving the Ahrefs Site Audit Score, along with some areas where we truly excel:

  • WordPress SEO Plugins: We know all of the most popular SEO plugins top to bottom, including how to get the most out of each one, and when it makes sense to switch.
  • Full SEO Plugin Integration: Many WordPress plugins can be taken even further with more in-depth integration into the WordPress theme. We help clients get the most out of their SEO plugin subscription.
  • Performance Optimization: Core Web Vitals are inextricably connected with getting discovered by search engines, and we’re quite good at making websites fly.
  • URL Structure Optimization: We implement clean, descriptive, and search-friendly URLs.
  • Schema markup (Structured Data): We improve discoverability from search engines (and LLMs) by structuring your content with schema markup that makes it easier for bots to understand the purpose of each webpage.
  • XML Sitemaps: We create and submit XML sitemaps to search engines to help them discover and index all the pages on the website)
  • Fixing Crawl Errors: We spot and fix crawl errors to ensure search engines can access your most important pages.
  • Internal Linking Optimization: Optimize an internal linking structure to distribute page authority throughout the site in a smart and effective way.
  • Optimizing Meta Tags: We will optimize title tags, meta descriptions, and header tags (H1, H2, etc.) are optimized with relevant keywords and are unique for each page.
  • Pagination Optimization: We implement proper pagination practices to help search engines understand the relationship between pages, especially for sites with large amounts of content.

We Guarantee Improvement Every Month

Following the same ideology of our SiteCare Plan guarantees, and our new SiteCare Score plugin, if we don’t improve your Ahrefs score every single month, you don’t have to pay for the service.

We’re so confident that we can reduce the errors and warnings from your Ahrefs site audit that we won’t charge you if we can’t improve your score. It’s that simple.

Even better? Once you reach an Ahrefs Site Audit score of 100, you can graduate from our WordPress SEO program. We stop the service and you stop paying. You can come back any time for a spot check to see if your score has slipped and if you should re-engage, but we aren’t going to stick you with a contract that lasts for eternity. Keep it active to improve. Pause or cancel it when you hit 100 — a perfect score.

Here are the results from a real client after six months of a proactive 10-hour per month engagement for SEO. The results are phenomenal:


  • Errors: 647
  • Warnings: 28,018
  • Notices: 19,934


  • Errors: 0
  • Warnings: 942
  • Notices: 1,242

When the client reached this level, they decided to pause work because they had reached an Ahrefs score of 100. Our feelings weren’t hurt at all because we knew they were better-positioned to get discovered and generate more business. And maybe more importantly, they’re proud of their website and they share it often.

What do you think of these WordPress SEO plans? Do they resonate? Anything you’d like to see us do differently? Leave a comment or message to our team if you’d like to learn more. Or read more about the service specifics. If you have ideas for how we can make this SEO service even better at helping website owners be proud of their websites, we’d love to hear those too!

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